A. H. Caudle,
Pvt., Co. F, 33rd TN Inf. Alex. Cawdle, Co. E, 6th TN Inf. Archibald Caudle (Candle),
Pvt., Co. D, 32nd Tn Inf. Absalom W. Caudle, Pvt., Co. D, 27th Inf.
Enlsted at Camp Trenton,
Tenn. 9/3/1861 at age 20. He was wounded at "Bloody Pond" during the Battle of Shioh, Tenn.
Asa Cawdle (James Caudle), Pvt.,
Co. E, 6th TN Inf. C. Caudle, 1st (Feild's) TN/Co. I, 27th TN Inf. (cons.) D. C. Caudle,
Co. D, 27th TN Inf.
Enlisted at Camp Trenton, Tenn.9/3/1861 at age 38. Discharged at Shelbyville, Tenn.
Aug. 1862.
George Caudle, 9th TN Cav.
Paroled at Gainsville, Alabama. J.
B.Caudle, Pvt.,1st TN (Feild's)/Co. I, 27th TN Inf. (cons.) J. W. Caudle, Co. H, 14th TN Inf.
James Alexander Caudle, Pvt., Co. E, 6th TN Inf. J. B. Caudle, Sgt., Co. D, 27th
Reg't. TN Inf. Jesse Benton Caudle (Caudie), Sgt., Co. D, 27th TN Inf.
Enlisted at Camp Trenton,
Tenn. 9/3/1861 at age 18. He fought in the Bttle of Shiloh, Tenn. and served throughout the war until captured at Nashville,
Tenn. on 12/15/1864. Another source says that he captured at the Battle of Franklin, Tenn. He was discharged from Camp
Douglas Prison , Illinois, on 6/18/1865. John R. Cadle, Co ?, Capt. Butough's Co. TN Light
John R. Caudle,
During the war his home was
plundered by Weekley County Yankees called "Tennesse Tories." M. K. Caudle (Candle), Pvt.,
Co. A, 47th TN Inf. M. R. Caudle, Pvt., Co. A, 47th TN Inf. Malkiah (Mack) Caudle,
Unit Unknown,
Killed in the Battle of Shiloh,
Tenn. Shadric D. (S. T.) Toliver Caudle, Pvt., Co. A, 31st TN Inf.
Served from 1861 to May 11,
1865. T. R. Cordle, Pvt., Co. B, 22 TN Inf. William E. Caudle, Pvt. Co.
H, 3rd TN Cav. (Forrest's)
During the war a group of Confederate Tennesseans
captured several Northern soldiers who were from tennesse and cut their ears off. A short time later several Confederate
Tennesseans were captured by the Northrn army and, in reprisal, castrated them. William was in this group of Confederates.
Another source states that while home on leave in 1864 he was attacked by home grown Yankees led by Postmaster William Carroll
William Caudle, Pvt., Co. G,
14th TN Inf. William Caudle, Pvt., Co. E, 37th TN Inf. William A. Caudle, Unit Unknown
William T.Caudle (Cordle), Co. E, 37th TN Inf., 7th TN Reg't. Prov'.
David Green Caudle,
Captured at Mobile, Alabama
Confederate Soldiers Renuion Obion Co., TN, ca1926 |
Top Row: C.B. White, W.S. Long, Sam Parker, D.W. Pursley, White Fleming, J.B.
Caudle, Rev. J.N. Hunter, W.T. Harris, John White, James Daniel Quinton
Bottom Row: Mr. Anderson, J.D. Cunningham, Frank Stanley, Tom Kersey, Dr. F.M. McRee, H. R.
Brown, W. M. Benefield, J. R. Hughes
14th TN Inf. Flag |
14th TN Inf. Flag |
32nd TN Inf. Flag |