Caudles in the Civil War

Teubners In The Civil War
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Teubners In The Civil War
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Confederate Civil War Veterans of Wright, Douglas, & Texas counties, MO

With the exception of John David Teubner, it has not been established that the following soldiers are related to our family.. Research is in progress.
Albert Teubner, 4th U.S. Inf.
August Teubner, Co. B, 3rd WI Cav.
Enlisted as a private, Dec. 7, 1861 in Wis. and died of disease on Sept. 28, 1864 at Little Rock, Ark.
August C. Teubner, Capt., Co. G, 163rd, NY Inf.
Enlisted Sept. 15, 1862 at New York City, New York. Promoted 1st Lieutenant (not mustered) on Aug. 1862. Commisioned as Captain on Sept. 15, 1862. Discharged on Jan. 20, 1863 at Falmouth, Va. 
August P. Teubner, Co. A, 151st OH Int.
Augustus L. Teubner, Sgt., 151st OH Inf. (National Guard)
Charles Teubner, Co. A, 2nd Inf. Regular Army.
Christian Teubner, Co. K, 10th NY Inf.
Conrad Teubner, Co. C, 59th NY Inf.
Enlisted as a private on Aug. 31, 1861 at New York City, New York. Deserted on Sept. 20, 1861 at New York, New York.
David Teubner, Co. D, 7th MO S. M. Cav.
Edward Teubner, Co. F, 3rd PA Heavy Art'y.
Frank Teubner, MO Light Art.,/Co. G, 14th WI Inf.
Enlisted on Jan. 3, 1865. Mustered out on Oct. 9, 1865 at Mobile, Ala. 
Frank Teubner, Co. B, 156th IL Inf.
Frank Teubner, Co. A, 1st Batt'l. MO Art.
Gustavus E. Teubner, 1st Lt./Adjutant, Co. D, 10th TN Inf.
Gustavus Teubner, Sgt. Maj., Co. I, 15th Inf. Reg. Regular Army.
Jacob Teubner (alias Franz J. Teubner), Cpl., Co. D, 2nd U.S. Reserve Corps
John Teubner, Co. F, 2nd U.S. Reserve Corp MO Inf. (served 6 Months)
Joseph Teubner, Co. C, 5th Wi Inf.
Enlisted on April 23, 1861. Mustered out on Aug. 3, 1864.


John David Teubner joined for duty and enrolled as a 4th Corpl. in Co. K, 27th Mo. Inf. on Sept. 23, 1861 at Otterville, Mo. for a period of 6 months and according to his military record he furnished his own horse. Mustered out Feb. 15, 1862. That same year he joined the Co. D, 7th Mo. State Militia Cav. serving to 1865.According to the Descriptive Roll for the 7th, he was 32 years of age, 5 ft. 6 inches tall, with light brown hair and blue eyes. He was single, his occupation was saddler, his nativity is listed as Saxon Weimer, Germany. According to David's Union Pension record, while serving in the 7th Mo. S. M. Cav. he was wounded from a gunshot to the left shoulder in a battle that took place on Oct. 23, 1864 of which the unit history states it fought in the Battle of Westport, Mo. on this date. He enlisted under the name of David instead of John. He was a member of the G.A.R., Post No. 274 Norwood, Mo.

John Teubner, Co.F, 2nd TX Inf.