Caudles in the Civil War

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? Caudle,Co. K, 12 VA Inf.
Alex Caudle, Pvt. Petersburg Virginia Arrtillery (Nichols' Battery)
Enlisted April 1861. Fought in the Battle of Peeble's Farm, Va. Sept. 30, 1864; During this battle Capt. Edward Graham "ordered his men to limber their guns and get out of there. Two of the guns got away quickly; a third was saved from the Yankees by the stubborness and quick reactions of private Alex Caudle, who was riding one of that gun's wheel horses. A Union officer ordered Caudle to surrender. Caudle responded, "The hell I will!" Holding a heavy spike-loaded whip, he walloped the Yankee off his horse. Caudle got the gun to safety, and his comrade George Wingfield captured the enemy officer's horse." 
Aaron M. Caudle, Co. I, 50th VA Inf.
Enlisted June 25, 1861 Mytherville, Captured at Rapaan River, Va. Dec. 12, 1863. Listed as a prisoner of War at the Old Capital Prison, Washington D.C. Dec. 16, 1863. Released on Oath March 15, 1864.
Ambrose Caudle, 45th VA Inf.
David F. Caudle, 1st Co. I, 12 VA Inf.
H. C. Caudle, Capt., Wright's CO., VA Art.
Henry N. Caudle, Wright's Co., VA Heavy Art.
J. C. Caudle, Pvt., 2nd Co. I, 21 VA Cav.
Enlisted April 2, 1863.
J. H. Caudle, Pvt., 2nd Co. I, 21st VA Cav.
John Caudle (Kaddle?)
Charged with being a Secessionist and Bushwhacker. (List of citizen prisoners in custody March 15, 1862 in the Dept. of Western Va.) 
John W. Caudle, Co. D, 1st VA Reserve Batt'n.
James Caudle, Co. C, 10th VA Heavy Art. Batt'n.
James Washington Caudle, Co. E, 59th VA Inf.
July 11, 1861. Fought in the battles of Williansburg, Va. skirmish March 29, 1863, Charleston Harbor (Aug.-Sept. 1863), Nottoway Bridge, May 8, 1864, Petersburg, Va. Seige June 1864-April 1865, and the Crater July 30, 1864.
John Caudle, Sr., Co. D, 1st Batt'n VA Reserves
Thomas R. Caudle, Co. D, 12th VA Inf.
William Caudle, Pvt., Co. E, 2nd Batt'n., VA Local Defense
William Caudle (Cordle), Pvt., Co. I, 6th Reg't., VA Inf.
Enlisted May 9, 1861 in Manchester, Va. and was discharge Aug. 15, 1862 for being overage. 

12th VA Inf.Flag

6th Va Inf.Flag